There is so much information about the Y Combinator application but no central place to locate it. Find everything you need to know to get into YC here.
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Read the How to Apply Section that Y Combinator has written here:
Y Combinator wants founders to write in a very specific way. They want you to be very clear and use no marketing speak. Once you read enough successful applications, you will understand what exactly this means. Here is a list of applications to look through. If you want us to add another application to this list, send us an email:
Learn as much about the application process from what Y Combinator alumni have written. Below is a post I wrote but there are many other posts by founders which are also good. My post is a deep dive into everything you should know before applying. Read as many of the posts listed in the "All Posts" section as you can.
Each founder takes their own approach from this point onwards. Reach out to YC founders in similar industries and try to get feedback on your application and possibly, a recommendation. Just be careful how you go about asking for both of these. Get as many people to read your application before you submit it as possible.
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